“If you seek for a better future it is your own responsibility to create it”
(A. Kolping)
Adolf Kolping
(1813 – 1865)
Catholic Priest, one of the famous leaders of social Christianity of XIX century and remarkable social educator whose activity has expanded to international scale and is continued through our days.
The Lithuanian Kolping Society is a public non-profit, voluntary and independent organization for charity and support, a community engaged in catholic educative activity. The Society was established following Adolf Kolping’s example and emphasizes family and care in the way of life. Kolping Society takes an active part in the mission of the Church all over the world.
Fields of activity
In Lithuania Kolping Society was established in 1993, and constitutes part of the International Kolping Society. The Lithuanian Kolping Society unifying 600 members focuses on fields of work and profession, marriage and family, society and state, culture and leisure. It organizes seminars of Christian social education, takes part in preparation of local and international projects in education and social fields. The Society works with different age groups – children, youth and adults.
In Kolping Society education is seen as one of the priority areas because good professional education is considered to be the key to long-term job retention that reliably enables any person to satisfy his (her) basic needs from wage. Good professional education can help to obtain better self-reliance and strengthen individual’s personality. Education is seen by the Kolping Society not only as the one-off gain of knowledge but as a life-long process of improvement for which every person is responsible individually.
Kolping Families
Local community is called the Kolping Family activity of which is closely related to that of benefice. Anyone who accepts and attempts to realize goals of the Society can be a member of Kolping family. The fundamental purpose of the Lithuanian Kolping Society is to help its members to be real Christians in every field of their lives: in family, at work, in occupational, churchy and social activity. Lithuanian Kolping families develop educational, social and manufacturing activities. In Troškūnai, former Bernardine Abbey of XVI century, The Centre of Education and Culture is established that houses many events of Lithuanian Kolping Society.
Youth activity
Youth of Kolping Society has been developing its activity since 1994. Projects of nonformal education are implemented, international summer camps and summer camps for children are arranged, occupation of schoolchildren after classes is organized.
Institutions of the Lithuanian Kolping Society
Located in downtown Kaunas, the Kolping University of Applied Sciences is a private non-university higher education institution, granting Professional Bachelor degrees.
The Lithuanian Kolping Society
Raguvos street 7, LT-44275 Kaunas
Tel.: (8~37) 22 12 34
Fax: (8~37) 20 36 10
E-mail: lkd@kolping.lt
Internet site: www.kolping.lt |